When to Split in Blackjack
Blackjack is a game largely based on chance, but players have found several strategies that can increase their chances of winning. One of these is a move called splitting, which can be used to separate pairs of cards into two new hands. Splitting is an action that requires a sharp mind and situational awareness, but it can be a hugely beneficial strategy if you know when to use it.
How to Split in Blackjack
The goal of a blackjack split is to create two hands that are both equal in value to the original pair. This strategy is a great way to boost your odds of winning, but it comes with a price: you double your initial wager each time you split and have to place the same stake on both of your new hands. This is why it’s important to choose the right moment for a split and make sure that you’re playing at a table that allows you to double after a split.
What Hands Should You Split?
In most situations, it’s a good idea to keep your pairs of cards together. This gives you a good base for hitting and will help to reduce your house edge. It’s a good idea to keep fours and fives together, for example, as they give you a favorable starting point when trying to hit a high total card. However, you don’t want to split these pairs of cards unless the dealer has a strong up-card, as it will reduce your chances of winning.
What Not to Split in Blackjack
There are certain cards that you should never split, no matter what. Among them are aces and fours, as these provide less value than other cards in the deck. They’re also a little risky since you might get a low card if you split them, and that could lead to busting.
You should never split a pair of 10s, as these are the most common pairs in the deck and are therefore very strong. Moreover, splitting paired 10s will result in two hands, each with a starting point of 10, and this is not always an ideal position to be in.
Likewise, you should avoid splitting aces and fours, as they can lead to busting if the dealer has a strong up-card, and they can also be difficult to score a high total. A pair of eights is another pair that should never be split in blackjack, as the probability of busting is very low and you don’t want to lose more than your original bet.
A final tip is to avoid splitting a pair of fours and fives, as they will only lead to a total of 14 or 15 and those aren’t strong hands. In addition, if you get a pair of sixes in a hand with a ten-card, it’s usually a better idea to keep those cards together as they can provide an excellent starting point for hitting and will reduce your chances of busting.