When to Hit and Stand in Blackjack
Blackjack is a game of chance, and the players have to be careful when it comes to choosing whether to hit or stand. Knowing the right times to hit or stand will help you win more money during each hand of blackjack.
When to Hit
A blackjack hand can be hit or stand when the dealer’s face-up card is a ten or an ace, or when the player has a total of 20 or less. This decision will be based on the odds and risk involved, as well as the player’s current hand value.
Hitting is the best choice when you have a total of 21 or less, and you are fairly confident that your hand will hold up against whatever cards the dealer has next. In addition, hitting will usually allow you to double your bet.
When to Stand
Taking a stand in blackjack means letting the dealer know that you are not willing to take any more cards. This can be done by clicking the “hit” or “stand” button at an online casino, or using hand signals at a brick-and-mortar casino.
When to Split
If you have two of the same cards, it’s sometimes a good idea to split them into two separate hands. This will give you the opportunity to play a larger bet and increase your chances of winning.
However, you must keep in mind that splitting can often leave you with a weaker hand. For example, if you’re dealt two fours, you have a very weak hand that’s easy to bust out on. You could also be left with a pair of sixes, which is not a very strong hand, and can still be busted if you get a five or lower.
When to Double Down
If your initial hand is a pair of tens, you should always double down when you see another 10 in the dealer’s face-up card. This is because there’s a very good chance that you’ll get an ace or nine in the next hand.
The only time that you should not double down is when you’re playing a hard hand, which are hands that don’t have an ace. These include hands with a hard 13 or 16 (with a dealer up-facing card of 2-6), as well as any other hand that has no ace in the mix.
When to Stand
Generally, players should always stand when they have a total of 18 or more points. This is because it’s important to make sure that the risks of going bust don’t outweigh the benefits of staying in the game.
When to Split
A blackjack player should never split pairs unless they are sure that they have a very strong hand. In addition, if they have a pair of eights, for example, it’s not a good idea to split them, as they’ll start at 16 and are very weak.
In addition to doubling down, some players have found that they can also benefit from making side bets on certain hands in blackjack. These side bets can help you win more money in a shorter period of time, but they are not guaranteed to win. You will need to check the rules of your chosen game before making a side bet, but if it’s legal, you should take advantage of it.